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January 15, 2014

NetMotion Wireless Delivers New Version of its Mobility Platform - Offers Dramatically Improved Over the Air Data Usage Over Cellular Networks

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) software vendor NetMotion Wireless, which on Monday announced its new CEO, Erik Prusch, followed up yesterday by also announcing a new version of its Mobility platform, Mobility 10.10, which delivers a complete under the covers rework and fine tuning that has resulted in dramatic improvements in reducing over the air data usage. The fine tuning, NetMotion claims, delivers hugely improved download speeds of as much as 300 percent when compared to its closest competitor, Cisco's AnyConnect.

Mobility is a long-standing client-server software solution that essentially provides a central control point from which enterprises are able to secure, manage and optimize connectivity for their in the field work forces. The new version seeks to deliver non-trivial improvements in the performance of real-world networks, along with Mobility's tried and true long standing ability to deliver sustained in the field connectivity, hands-off network transfer and hands-off reconnects following network disconnects, while also protecting applications from packet loss and latency issues.

The newly fine-tuned software also significantly enhances cross-team collaboration and efficiency by improving the performance of voice and video applications, such as Citrix’s GoToMeeting. It is here perhaps that the 300 percent faster downloading of mixed text and images that NetMotion now claims to deliver will be most appreciated - mobile field workers will spend far less time waiting, far less time being frustrated, and most importantly will be able to spend much more time directly serving customer needs.

Mobility is able to compress data up to 50 percent before sending (for example, a 4 MB file is deliveresd as a 2 MB download) can potentially double an organization’s data usage for free. This ability to do so in the field, where data usage is most deeply felt in terms of cost, will lower those business costs in mon-trivial ways..

The latest version, which builds on the significant new release that was delivered in Q4 2013, supports, of course, the major mobile operating systems and devices as well as the latest version of Windows on laptops. New features include:

  • Enhanced Support for Android: Certificate-based authentication for Android, enabling users to be more productive with applications that require advanced or multiple authentication techniques for securing corporate data and network assets.
  • Full Support for the Latest Platforms: Mobility has significantly expanded its platform support to include Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
  • LAN-like Performance, Regardless of Location: Organizations can deploy Mobility and Riverbed Steelhead Mobile support to further reduce data consumption and improve performance.

Joe Savarese, CTO at NetMotion notes that, "NetMotion Wireless has proven that it can deliver a faster, more reliable, and more economical mobile workforce environment than either a traditional cellular network or our competitors’ products. Mobility strives to be the only insurance a business needs to know they are enabling the most productive deployment for their mobile workforce."

We are familiar with a number of major NetMotion Wireless customers, and much more often than not, the feedback is that workforce productivity dramatically improves once the Mobility platform is implemented. This was the case before NetMotion undertook the massive under the covers fine tuning.

We look forward to hearing back from these customers over the next six months but there is little doubt in our minds that the feedback will be yet another step forward for those among us who need to work in the field - and we should add here it is appropriate to say that many of these workforces operate in the wilds of cellular connectivity - which IS WHERE THE Mobility platform truly distinguishes itself.

Edited by Cassandra Tucker

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