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April 14, 2011

Clearwire Picks concrete5 to Rebuild Entire Web Presence

By Rajani Baburajan
TMCnet Contributor

Concrete CMS, which develops next-generation open source solutions for Web sites, announced it is offering concrete5 to Clearwire, a major 4G WiMAX (News - Alert) provider serving the United States.

Clearwire chose concrete5 as its enterprise Web publishing platform. Initially the company had created its Web presence using a Wordpress blog, but as the company grew to include several brands and a huge amount of regionally targeted content, it required a powerful yet easy-to-use content management system, and they chose concrete5.

After assessing the Zend libraries for caching and internationalization, Clearwire (News - Alert) found that concrete5 would perform well with the other software choices they were making at an enterprise level.

Another feature that attracted Clearwire were concrete5's In-context editing, which allows content administrators to safely make changes to content as they see it on the live Web site. This feature ensured that minimal training would be needed for the hundreds of individuals who touch the Web site.

Clearwire engaged its core team behind concrete5 for consulting. They were able to rebuild the entire Web site using concrete5.

 “We picked concrete5 because of its ability to quickly adapt to our business needs. It gives us a great framework to build upon, and gives our users a simpler way to manage their content making them many times more efficient,” said Kyle Mizell, online systems customer applications development manager, in a statement.

Clearwire installed some custom workflow reporting to balance the simplicity of in-context editing with some role based accountability.

Recently Clearwire announced partnership with Locus Telecommunications to enable Locus to add prepaid 4G mobile broadband service, through Clearwire's 4G networks.

Rajani Baburajan is a contributing editor for TMCnet. To read more of Rajani's articles, please visit her columnist page.

Edited by Jennifer Russell

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