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Ethernet Alliance Representatives to Speak at 2011 Carrier Ethernet World Congress

October 11, 2011
By Rajani Baburajan, TMCnet Contributor

The Ethernet Alliance (News - Alert) (EA), a global consortium dedicated to the continued success and advancement of Ethernet technologies, announced its participation at the 2011 Carrier Ethernet World Congress (CEWC) taking place this week in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Among the panelists include representatives from EA member companies ADVA Optical Networking and JDS Uniphase Corporation. 

Olaf Herr, Transport Go-to-Market manager, JDSU (News - Alert), is one of the panelists in the discussion titled, "WDM Service Evolution: 100G, TERABIT, and Beyond” at the Transport Network Strategies Conference, co-located with the 2011 CEWC. The panel will explore the future of 100G and terabit Ethernet in next-generation networks. The discussion will also highlight critical challenges and issues these key technologies may face.

Anthony Magee, Principal Engineer - CTO Office, ADVA Optical Networking (News - Alert), is joining the panel, "Delivering Next Generation Networks with Carrier Ethernet” in the CEWC's closing plenary. The panel will discuss various Packet Transport Networks (PTN) technology alternatives, provide comparisons of various Ethernet technologies, and address effective delivery of next-generation network services.

"As we begin looking to tomorrow's generation of Ethernet speeds, gaining a clear understanding of both the intrinsic opportunities and challenges presented by these mission-critical technologies will be fundamental to their continued progression and success," said Crystal Black, marketing committee chair, Ethernet Alliance, in a statement. "By sharing practical expertise as well as insight into coming advances during events like these, the Ethernet Alliance is helping to cultivate the next age of Ethernet technology innovation."

Both panels will be held on Thursday, Oct. 13, at Hotel Okura in Amsterdam, Netherlands. These conferences are targeted to EA members, Ethernet industry practitioners, media persons, analysts, researchers, and others interested in the technology.

EA is dedicated to promoting technology and ecosystem growth and advancement through its broad education efforts, support for consensus building, and fostering greater interoperability. In a recent development, the Ethernet Alliance announced its Energy Efficient Ethernet subcommittee interoperability plugfest for products designed to support IEEE (News - Alert) Std. 802.3azTM-2010 Energy Efficient Ethernet.

As many as six Ethernet Alliance members such as Broadcom, Intel, LSI, Marvell Technology Group, Qualcomm Atheros (News - Alert) and Vitesse Semiconductor participated in the interoperability test to verify interoperability of EEE devices that support the 100BASE-TX and 1000BASE-T EEE capabilities, EA officials said.

Rajani Baburajan is a contributing editor for TMCnet. To read more of Rajani's articles, please visit her columnist page.

Edited by Carrie Schmelkin
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