Cover Story
The wireless telephone companies have made a lot of money with short-code SMS, but now the long code has arrived, and wireless operators should stop clinging to the past and allow the future of messaging to move forward. That way, service providers of all stripes, and their customers, will be able to benefit from the goodness and rewards of the long code...


On the Spot
WiGig Alliance Works to Expand Wireless Possibilities
The Wireless Gigabit Alliance was formed to meet this need by establishing a wireless technology operating in the unlicensed 60gHz band that promises data rates of up to 7gbps, or more than 10 times the speed of the fastest Wi-Fi networks available today. The band has much more spectrum available than the 2.4 or 5 gHz bands used by existing Wi-Fi products, allowing wider channels that support faster transmission speeds.
Next Wave Redux
How Google or Apple Could Create a Major New Mobile Carrier
An open Internet is critical for companies like Google, Apple or Amazon and, while they may not want to become competing mobile carriers themselves, there is a way they could foster disruption that enables open access.
Monetizing Mobile Broadband
Can We Handle the Flow?
Data traffic flowing across mobile service provider networks is going through the roof. And as quickly as the service providers are implementing faster networks, mobile device manufacturers are introducing products with higher resolution screens and processing speeds that consume much higher data rates. In fact, these two dynamics will never completely balance each other; operators will always need more network bandwidth and throughput at more economical pricing with exceptional quality of service.
Mobile Musings
SBCs and Multimedia Capability: A New Necessity for Service Providers and Enterprises
While the world is moving more toward an all-IP infrastructure, the global communications scene still includes a large TDM component. So all-IP networks will still need to interconnect with existing TDM networks. This means there will be service delivery challenges encountered in making these disparate networks work well together. Because of this, a premium will be placed on technology solution providers experienced in connecting IP with legacy TDM networks; who know, understand and appreciate both sides of this mixed communications world; and who can develop solutions that can serve the broadest range of networking options while at the same time supporting a wide range of multimedia IP-based services.
Eye on the Money
The Impact of Cloud Models on OSS and BSS
This is the same approach that manufacturers have employed for decades - in some cases for nearly a century. Interchangeable and standardized parts can be assembled into multiple different products. In manufacturing, this results in faster time to market, lower component costs, greater flexibility, and lower repair costs. (You don't need a master machinist to make you a custom screw; you buy one for 6 cents at the hardware store.) The same benefits accrue to management process support.
Caught in the Crossfire
Figures May Lie, but Words Deceive
Sometimes, no matter the name of the law, the law's name is a counter intuitive to what the law accomplishes. The Patriot Act, The American Jobs Act, and Spectrum Incentive Auction all share an element of bath water staying with the baby.
Look, No Wires
Goodbye Android, We Hardly Knew Ye
New research is showing that Android has some real problems. Obviously Google knows this, and it's part of the reason the company purchased Motorola and as Henry Blodget of Business Insider points out are opening an online tablet store. David Beckemeyer, the former EarthLink CTO, too weighs in with a chart showing just how dominant Apple is becoming.
Free Association
Much has happened in the wireless world since our last issue of Next Gen Mobility, so my column this time may be a bit like free association. But there's a lot to talk about.


Meet the Editorial Team

Rich Tehrani,
Since 1982 Rich has led TMC© in many capacities. Rich Tehrani is an IP Communications industry expert, visionary, author and columnist. He founded INTERNET TELEPHONY® magazine...Read More >>>
Carl Ford,
Partner and Community Developer, Crossfire Media
Today as a partner at Crossfire Media, Carl is developing programs that bring to light an understanding of the issues required for delivering broadband wireless Internet...Read More >>>
Erik Linask,
Group Editorial Director, TMC
Erik oversees the editorial content and direction for all of TMC. Erik has contributed literally thousands of features during his 5-year tenure, with a focus...Read More >>>
Paula Bernier,
Executive Editor, IP Communications Group
Paula oversees editorial content and operations of INTERNET TELEPHONY and Next Gen Mobility Magazines. Bernier is...Read More >>>
Tom Keating
CTO & Executive Technology Editor
om is executive technology editor for TMC® Labs, the industry’s most-well known and respected testing lab, and ...Read More >>>