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November 04, 2010

Deserted Clearwire Truck Spotted Outside of TMCnet Office

Just this afternoon, high-speed wireless provider Clearwire announced a 15% workforce reduction, as the company's losses continue to mount despite growing subscriber numbers.

So when MobilityTechzone employees noticed a Clearwire truck parked outside of our office in Norwalk, Ct for the past couple of days, it led our editorial staff to begin questioning the truck’s purpose. From there, four of our best editors went into investigative reporter mode to get the scoop on the deserted Clearwire truck. 

According to a Network World article last year, Clearwire offers a pay as you go “mobile hotspot” called the Rover Puck as an alternative route to its 4G service. Aimed at consumers who don't want to commit to, or can't qualify for a service contract, this very portable device lets you become a walking hotspot, sharing 4G Internet access with up to seven friends.

Upon examining the truck, it appears behind a camouflaged sheet, that the truck displays a living room set-up, complete with shelved bookcases and even a television inside behind a large window. The truck itself seems to be a “walking”, or in this case a “driving”, advertisement for the high-speed wireless service. 

According to the Clearwire site, the 4G provider boasts an impressive list of partners such as Sprint, Comcast, Intel, Time Warner Cable and Google, so how could they possibly be in danger of folding? The news of the layoffs comes as Clearwire faces the threat of increased competition from Verizon, which plans to unveil its LTE high-speed service in 38 cities by the end of the year, according to a Bloomberg report.

Clearwire Corporation headquarters is located in Kirkland, Wa., however they have 15 other offices around the country. The closest to TMC is in New York, leading us to wonder if a business in our complex has signed up for Clearwire service, or if the truck is merely an advertisement luring in curious editors such as ourselves. Perhaps the truck is even serving as one of Clearwire’s mobile hotspots, offering companies in our complex a trial service? The possibilities of the trucks whereabouts are endless and we intend to get to the bottom of it.

MobilityTechzone editor Juliana Kenny contacted Clearwire to see if they could provide us with answers regarding the trucks whereabouts. Unfortunately, they were unable to give us information as to why the truck is in Norwalk, Ct. But don’t worry, that small roadblock will not stop our inquisitive team. Stayed tuned as the MobilityTechzone editorial staff continues to dig deeper into the case of the mysterious Clearwire truck. 

Stefanie Mosca is a Web editor for MobilityTechzone. Previously she worked as a freelance copy editor for Digital Surgeons LLC. She holds a master's degree in journalism from Quinnipiac University and a bachelor's degree in communication from the University of New Haven. To read more of her articles, please visit her columnist page.

Edited by Stefanie Mosca

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