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January 27, 2012

TV White Space Spectrum Based Super Wi-Fi Emerges in Wilmington, NC

On Thursday, Spectrum Bridge announced the launch of the first commercial TV white space (TVWS) network in the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. It has been labeled as the first FCC-approved Smart City.  According to Spectrum Bridge, the company's cloud-based spectrum management platform taps into frequencies freed up by digital TV transition to provide the wireless bandwidth and network access for a range of innovative solutions.

Called Super Wi-Fi network, it provides the public with Internet access in local parks and broadband for video security surveillance. The company said that the system provides a platform for future development and serves as a model for other municipalities looking to take advantage of TVWS availability across the US.

Spectrum Bridge said that adopting these innovative "Smart City" solutions can assist in driving local economic development and improve the overall standard of living by establishing a better broadband information infrastructure.

In a statement, Ted Davis, chairman of New Hanover County, said, “We are extremely pleased with the installations of the white spaces systems at our parks and gardens… This technology has proven to be an unobtrusive, environmentally friendly way to offer services to our citizens and the visitors at our parks and to give our staff more efficient ways to manage these locations."

Due to excellent propagation characteristics of the frequencies, TVWS deployments will benefit wireless users and a range of other industry participants such as broadcasters, content providers, telecom and Internet service providers, and equipment manufacturers, said Spectrum Bridge. Furthermore, the company believes that TVWS offers superior non-line-of-sight performance, which allows the signal to penetrate obstacles such as trees, buildings, or rugged terrain at greater distances than other unlicensed spectrum.

Similarly, Rod Dir, CEO of Spectrum Bridge, commented, "It's exciting to see the first commercial network go live in Wilmington utilizing this unlicensed TV Band spectrum." "With the explosive demand for spectrum and technology now available to enable more bandwidth, this is a big step forward in developing the next multi-billion dollar market driven by the innovation of new wireless services,” noted Bridge.

To help readers get a feel for the expanding Wi-Fi network and bring you closer to those driving this capability, TMC has organized a Super WiFi Summit next month, February 1-3, in Miami Beach, Florida. The attendees will also have a chance to hear all about the FCC public trial, the impact on the potential of White Spaces and what new markets and devices are on the horizon.

Want to learn more about 4G wireless technologies? Then be sure to attend the 4GWE Conference, collocated with TMC’s ITEXPO East 2012 taking place Jan. 31-Feb. 3 2012, in Miami, FL. Co-sponsored by TMC Partner Crossfire Media the 4GWE Conference provides unmatched networking opportunities and a robust conference program representing the wireless ecosystem. The conference not only brings together the best and brightest in the wireless industry, it actually spans the communications and technology industry. For more information on registering for the 4GWE Conference click here.

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Ashok Bindra is a veteran writer and editor with more than 25 years of editorial experience covering RF/wireless technologies, semiconductors and power electronics. To read more of his articles, please visit his columnist page.

Edited by Rich Steeves

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