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May 08, 2012

Before Flying from New York or LA, Grab a MiFi Rental

Engadget is raving about Xcom Global’s MiFi rentals as the best connectivity option for passengers flying out of New York or LA to other countries, and based on what they have reported about Xcom Global’s service, it seems to be a solid deal. Although, Xcom Global has only been operating for a few months, they now have locations close to airports in Los Angeles and New York (the two most likely destinations before international travel) called “satellite customer service centers” where passengers can pick up their portable MiFi rental packages to take with them before boarding. But if you happen to be the more organized sort, you can order your MiFi rental package to be delivered a few days ahead of time.

Staying connected while traveling abroad can be troublesome, but it seems that Xcom Global has worked out all of the kinks with their international connectivity solution. It seems that the ideal candidate for this package is one who is “backpacking through Europe.” Connecting by MiFi seems like a relatively simple process. After inserting your SIM card and battery and turning on the power, you can connect up to five devices within minutes. Apparently, the battery stays charged for an unbeatable length of time, as well. The mail- ordering process is also simple. You enter your destination(s), when you plan on arriving, and when you will depart. The package will be sent to you a few days prior to your travel date, neatly compacted with all of the necessary equipment. But if you would prefer to pick up the rentals at the satellite customer service centers, before catching your flight, there are locations near major Los Angeles and New York airports, with the most recent center established in Grand Central Station.

Engadget claims that MiFi is better than USB WWAN cards because as long as the small MiFi pebble is in your pocket, backpack etc., it will broadcast to your mobile, and for as little as $12.95 a day, you can stay connected with MiFi in up to 195 countries. Finding cheap and reliable connectivity abroad is often impossible otherwise.

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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