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June 12, 2012

Ubiquiti Networks Introduces the AirMax Titanium Series

Ubiquiti Networks, Inc. (UBNT) recently released its airMAX platform, a next-generation lineup of radio/antenna systems, which include the Rocket/Bullet Titanium units that seamlessly integrate with the airMAX BaseStation.

UBNT is a wireless communications technology multinational company that offers standalone radios and integrated radio products, as well as antennas and management tools. The company was first known as Pera Networks Inc., when it started it operations in 2003.

Ubiquiti makes use of the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) radio antenna technology, which allows several users to share the same frequency channel. The signal is divided in a way that can be transmitted in separate time slots that in quick succession can run through the same transmission media.

UBNT’s airMAX Titanium Rockets offer higher-end performance; the new titanium sectors provide great isolation performance and additional scalability and noise immunity performance in high-noise environments.

The Rocket Titanium units are 802.3af-compliant PoE (Power over Ethernet) devices that take advantage of a Gigabit Ethernet connection. These units feature a GPS receiver, advanced RF shielding and isolation performance, as well as an adjustable antenna beam width from 60 to 120 degrees. The Rocket M Titanium airMAX base station radios are designed for Multipoint (PtMP) wireless networks and for multi-sector basestation deployments.

The airMAX Titanium series also includes the Bullet series units: unlike the Rocket Titanium units, the Bullet Titanium does not feature a fast processor, an external GPS antenna and a gigabit Ethernet. The Bullet Titanium does, however, feature an RF shielded enclosure and a watertight Ethernet connector, used to transform any antenna in an airMAX system.

For information about UBNT’s airMAX Titanium units or to learn of other technology platforms from this company, including UniFi, AirVision and AirFiber, visit the company’s website at www.ubnt.com.

The company is currently accepting pre-orders for its newly released airMAX Titanium Series, available for less than $500.00.

Edited by Braden Becker

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