In a sincere effort to augment its productivity and time-to-market its product to the consumers, Qualcomm Incorporated (QCOM) recently announced its plans to transform its corporate structure. Qualcomm completed the deployment of new corporate structure and strategies to further protect and insulate its precious patented portfolio against any claims made by its competitors. The company has not re-structured its business in response to any third party law suit; neither intends to shut down Qualcomm Technology Licensing Division (QTL) or QCT business verticals.
The latest corporate structure includes the parent company and its subsidiaries. Now, Qualcomm Incorporated, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (QTI), and QTL will be responsible for operating and managing the company’s research and development vertical, product and services division, together with QCT semiconductor business.
Now, QTI with its auxiliaries will solely own the copyrights of open source applications and products developed by them. Meanwhile, the parent company Qualcomm Incorporated will possess the exclusive rights to the remainder of the products. QTI can no longer permit licenses to products owned by the parent company. Moving forward, no changes have been made to the intellectual possessions owned by Qualcomm Innovation Center, Incorporation. This division works directly with the wireless industry for rendering open source software platform.
Dr. Paul E. Jacobs, chairman and chief executive officer of Qualcomm said that Qualcomm will continue to be receptive and adaptive to the rapidly changing market demands. He added that he was delighted by the flawless evolution of their corporate structure for the benefits of their workforce and customers. Jacobs also said that they were confident that the new method of their working will expedite the product innovation, and the time to launch it in the market, along with enhanced security of their patented products and services.
The financial department of Qualcomm also remains at ease by the recent changes. It will continue to operate its financial roles and responsibilities, as it has done over the years.
Jacobs, also went on to add that Qualcomm’s steadfast pledge to cross over the limitations of mobile technology through its innovative products and services continues to remain firm. He also felt that they were positive of connecting to a massive audience soon, and hope to break down any remaining barriers in the telecom sector.
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Edited by
Brooke Neuman