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November 12, 2012

Flomio Brings FloJack - A Device to Connect the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad with a Simple Touch

The revolutionary power of NFC, near field communication, is now with Apple iOS users. NFC is a new medium of communication that uses touch to create connections between your phone and the world around you. New experiences can be triggered and experienced once the connection is made. You can be a part of the NFC revolution without giving up your Apple iOS device.

Flomio, a Techstars company, has now launched FloJack. FloJack is a one-of-a-kind NFC reader and writer that can be effortlessly plugged directly into the iPhone (4,4S, 5), iPhone Touch (4th and 5th Gen) and iPad (New iPad, iPad2, iPad3). You can also preorder it on kickstarter.

“We’re extremely excited to invite iOS customers to the NFC party,” says Richard Grundy, founder of Flomio, who comes with more than 12 years of experience developing embedded systems at Motorola. “We at Flomio see a future where all mobile devices interact in the NFC ecosystem, and want all mobile users involved now. Since Apple didn’t include NFC in its latest iPhone version- that’s where we come in. The possibilities are endless,” he said.

FloJack is essentially a tiny dongle. It can be plugged easily into the 3.5mm port of iOS device. FloJack, the dongle, then enables NFC. NFC is a bit like Bluetooth, but it uses touch to create connections between the user’s phone and the world that surrounds it. It is a wireless conversation between two devices that are held closely. This technology has the potential to completely change the way we use technology in our lives. Flomio’s NFC Action App enables the users to read or write an NFC tag. Users can also use Flomio’s ZAPPs to create a new experience.

The way it all works is quite simple. When an NFC device is brought closer to a tag, a chip inside the tag sends a stored message. The message is then conveyed to the phone and it acts on the message. For example, Zapps can play music, open apps and launch videos. Users can customize the tags and program it to schedule a meeting, give directions or send reminders etc.

New connections can be made between two NFC- enabled phones. Content, photos, videos and more can be transferred by simply touching the devices. Flomio currently is focused on getting NFC implemented into apps they are currently developing through the FloJack Kit. The FloJack Developer kit offers a package deal to developers which include 5 Zappos, a FloJack and a membership to the NFC Developer Program. The NFC Developer Program offers Flomio’s SDK, updates and customer service.

Flomio will begin shipping FloJack in March 2013. The FloJack will be retailed at the price of $59.99 MSRP.

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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