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November 15, 2012

Crittercism and StackMob Unite

Crittercism, a mobile app performance management (APM) platform, is partnering with StackMob to create a mobile app for StackMob developers to handle crashes and run diagnostics. Through this joint venture, app designers will be able to gain access to cloud technology that will allow them to create, utilize, and improve apps for a single location.

This will allow app designers to cut down on the amount of time it takes to work on a project and it will allow the designers to determine where an app is having a problem during the development phase of app designing. By being able to locate an exact problem rather than running the app over and over until they eventually find where the problem lies, will cut down on the labor cost of developing a new application.

Via the StackMob Marketplace to create application programming interface (API) modules for third party developers, app designers can now easily install Crittercism into a mobile application. Tested by StackMob engineers, all API modules can now include Crittercism with a simple one click installation. This will allow for faster development by designers with limited resources.

CEO of Crittercism Andrew Levy is enthusiastic about this partnership; “This partnership is significant for the mobile app community in that developers are now able to build, deploy, monitor and manage their mobile apps at a rapid pace from a single view. We are excited to partner with platforms like StackMob to help developers streamline their workload, while helping to evolve the way developers are building, monitoring and managing their apps."

StackMob is just as excited by this new partnership. Vice president of business development at StackMob, Kumi Walker, sees it as a way to gain a competitive edge,” We operate in a hyper-competitive mobile app market with consumers demanding that apps are both engaging and reliable across a wide array of phones, tablets and platforms.”  

With Crittercism’s help, the effects will be far-reaching, inevitably affecting the bottom line; “By teaming up with Crittercism we are able to better support our developers. Being able to effectively monitor mobile app performance is critical to any developer's customer support and monetization strategy, as this has a direct impact on store ratings, customer reviews, engagement and ultimately revenues."

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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