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November 30, 2012

Dundas Presents Information Visualization on the Go, Mobile Dashboards for Clients

The experts in data visualizations and dashboard solutions, Dundas Data Visualization, Inc., have introduced its new Web-based platform, Dashboard 4.0, which is a new Mobile and HTML 5 upgrade from previous versions.

This release continues to expand and enhance Dundas’ position in mobile business intelligence (BI) and marks a major milestone for its dashboard that uses past and current data to calculate and display future probabilities.

An improvement from its predecessor, version 4 offers a sleek new mobile app, enhanced visualizations, a performance boost and specific access to dashboards and reports on mobile devices. The interface can be customized and through the HTML5 viewer and mobile application all features are available anywhere, anytime.

In addition, there are the application improvements and a new HTML5 plugin which helps create interactive dashboards and reports for handheld and mobile Silverlight components. It offers improved business metrics, well-designed dashboard, built-in data connectors, add-ons to support data providers and the new ways to connect directly to multiple, live data sources (including Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics and Google Analytics).

Now with Dundas Mobile, users have the technology to mobilize their data, easily create and publish content, track their business, receive custom-defined notifications and alerts as well as connect to live data sources from any device.

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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