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January 30, 2013

Ping Application Now Available in the App Store

The 'Ping App 1.1.1' from Playfon is now available for iOS. The new Ping App is basically a social networking app to communicate with friends without words or emotions and is now available for iPhone devices, iOS5 and above. Users have to have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, which has iOS 4.3 or later and has 10.8 MB disk space, in order to use the app.

We get buried by the huge amount of info that we send and receive each day, not to mention the annoying aspect of it. It is because of this, people begin to simplify the way we communicate by using emoticons and abbreviations to keep text messages short. It is here where the ping app comes of good use.

The Ping App offers people a way to interact and communicate without being overwhelmed by loads of information. As many of the calls and texts that people make daily have predictable answers, the ping app comes as a breath of fresh air, as you don’t have to say or text anything. In simpler terms, when people have nothing to say they can send their friend a ping or signal.

A ping is nothing but a short, friendly and casual nudge to friends via a mobile device. With just a tap of a button, these emotionless pings are the only means of communications between people. Once the person has identified his or her friend from their address book, they can send them a ping until they get a response. A ping ID number or nickname for friends is also available for easy location. Every user can send up to nine pings until they get a response.

Playfon is an international provider of wireless entertainment and offers top rated entertainment content based on licensed properties from the world’s leading brands.

The 'Ping App' is available globally in English for free. CLICK HERE for more info.

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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