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May 13, 2013

InfoSonics Releases verykool RS75 Rugged Smartphone

InfoSonics Corporation has yet again expanded its ruggedized line of smartphones with the launch of the verykool RS75 Smartphone. Designed with rugged durability in mind above all else, the RS75 doesn't offer the latest and greatest in smartphone hardware, but will definitely survive a great deal of use and abuse.

Indeed, InfoSonics' latest smartphone features a 1.0 GHz processor, a 3.0 megapixel rear camera with a VGA front-facing camera, and Android 2.3 Gingerbread as its operating system, placing it decidedly at the low end in comparison to today's common specifications.

The RS75's rugged design, on the other hand, is very advanced, boasting an ingress protection rating of IP67, making it both dust- and waterproof. Furthermore, the device features shock resistance, while its 3.5-inch TFT LCD touchscreen display is protected by tempered, scratch-resistant glass.

InfoSonics' line of smartphones spans a wide range. For example, the company released a mid to high-end device earlier this year, the verykool S758, which features a 1.0 GHz dual core processor, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, and a 5.15-inch display, placing it in phablet territory.

On the other end of the spectrum, the company also released this year the verykool s350, an entry-level smartphone with a 1.0 GHz processor and 3.5-inch TFT LCD display that's meant to appeal to those looking to replace their 2G feature phone.

The RS75, meanwhile, is meant to appeal to the more outdoorsy consumer or professional who may end up in situations not friendly to the typical fragile smartphone. At a suggested retail price of $169, the RS75 won't break the bank, either.

"We designed the RS75 with the everyday consumer or professional in mind," said Joseph Ram, InfoSonics' president and chief executive officer. "We crafted a phone that is ruggedized and durable, yet slim and elegant in its design. It is ideal for the buyer who is searching for an affordable smartphone that can survive the daily elements of suburban life or outdoor settings."

Edited by Rory J. Thompson

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