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September 09, 2013

Lenovo Unveils Yoga 2 Adjustable Laptop

Lenovo has been making quite a few waves with the release of their newest Thinkpad laptops. Along with a brand new line of Thinkpads comes the ability for the Multimode Family computer thanks to the new Yoga Convertibles. These new Yoga computers have a lot of the same kind of features as the original including the ability to swing the screen around and use the laptop in a variety of different ways.

There are also quite a few new features that the Yoga 2 is able to offer. One of the first things that users are sure to pick out is that the 13.3-inch display has a QHD+ super high resolution. The screen also has something that the company boasts as a 10-finger touch screen that has the ability to display images in 3200X1800 resolution in a 16:9 aspect ratio. That means that this particular computer is now offering up the best screen resolution on the market today.

While Lenovo has been dipping its toe in the mobile market more and more, it seems as if this is where the company thrives. It might be that these kinds of hybrid computers are a way for the company to carve out its own niche. There are other companies that are looking to put these kinds of computers out there, but Lenovo is doing it best at the present moment.

The Yoga 2 is also thinner and lighter than previous laptops that have been released by the company. This means that the Yoga 2 makes it that much more enjoyable to use the laptop in any of its four different modes. As with the Yoga and other hybrid computers the company has put out in recent years, users can go with the regular old laptop mode, or tablet mode, or stand, or tent mode.

Edited by Ryan Sartor

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