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September 24, 2013

VoxImplant Platform Makes It Easy to Create Web and Mobile Apps

Application software is designed to make it easy for users to check information or perform any task. There are apps for a range of different functions, from finding restaurants to updating information on social media and everything in between. These apps can be Web or mobile based, depending on the source from which it is accessed. If an app is used directly from a tablet or smartphone, then it is a mobile app while the need for a browser to access it makes it a Web app.

The development of apps is the latest technological trend today, with more and more companies scrambling to find ideas for apps. In such a scenario, it is a sensible idea to develop a cloud-based platform that will make it more convenient for developers to create these apps. This is exactly what VoxImplant does. It is a communication platform that is based on cloud technology and it aims to provide real-time communications to developers through this platform. In other words, when other developers use this platform, they can easily embed real-time communications within their web or mobile app.

VoxImplant can be used across different industry segments such as Cloud IVR, dating, call tracking, voice and video chat with subject matter experts, notifications, surveys, broadcasting, CRM integration, customer service and so much more. It is really up to the developers to make the best use of this communication platform to embed any kind of real-time communication within the app. VoxImplant uses WebRTC for browsers that are compatible with RTC and Flash for others. VoxImplant for iOS and Android SDK are also available for mobile app developers.

This platform is expected to have wide-reaching impacts on the app development industry and it is hoped that the future will see more real-time communication based apps that is sure to add value to the users.

Edited by Alisen Downey

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