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September 25, 2013

Marketers Increasingly Focus on Mobile and Data Capabilities First

Mobile devices are now thoroughly entrenched in the business world; there’s no denying it. In fact, a new joint study by the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) and Neustar has revealed that no one really is denying it, with 85 percent of marketers stating they believe that mobile is a gateway to new markets and audiences — as if the ever-increasing prevalence of mobile focused initiatives like BYOD and mobile call recording wasn’t enough.

The study, entitled “Marketers Guide to Mobile and Data,” goes on to add that 80 percent of respondents believe mobile is not just transformational for companies, but integral for their careers, Meanwhile, data was also found to play a significant role when paired with mobile, as 61 percent of companies plan to invest more in data capabilities over the next year.

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The data for this report is based on a survey of 400 companies across the consumer product and service categories. Questions focused on marketers’ perception of mobile, the impact of mobile tactics, and the strategic advantage of data.

Other findings from the study only further indicate that marketers have embraced the one-two punch that mobile and data offer in marketing. For example, 40 percent of respondents said mobile is a top priority for their brand and key to their overall marketing strategy, while an additional 34 percent have already enacted a strategic vision for mobile.

Furthermore, 65 percent of marketers see mobile and data as a “game changer,” specifically indicating that data offers a competitive advantage, while 36 percent of companies use data to influence all marketing decisions.

"Mobile has transcended boundaries, evolving beyond its role as a connection or convergence device. Marketers no longer ask 'why mobile' because the future health of their brands directly depends on mobile's role as a marketing vehicle," said Greg Stuart, CEO of MMA. "There is no denying that mobile is business transformational and the survey results prove that mobile has advanced from an afterthought to the first thought when mapping out a marketing strategy.

Edited by Alisen Downey

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