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December 09, 2013

TeliaSonera Expands Its Cellular Band Ownership

The growth of desire in 4G networks is sparking the expansion of 4G networks in general. While there is plenty demand for LTE networks in the United States, there is just as much demand around the world. Being able to find wireless spectrum that is actually available for purchase is something that companies are always on the lookout for. TeliaSonera is one company that is looking to establish itself in the cellular networks market by investing in new 4G frequencies in Norway.

The company has seen fit to invest in 4G frequencies that are located on the 800 MHz band. The company has also purchased prolonged licenses in the 900 MHz band and more 4G networks that are operating on the 1,800 MHz band. All of those purchases show that TeliaSonera is looking to become one of the leading providers for customers who want to get online with high-speed connections across Norway.

The company purchased most of these bands at the multi band auction in Norway.  The purchases of these bands will allow the company to dramatically increase its wireless and high-speed offerings. The company believes that its high-speed network will be able to reach about 98 percent of its customers in the next five years.

At the moment, the company offers 4G coverage to about 50 percent of Norway. This coverage is included in LTE, 1,800 MHz and 2,600 MHz bands. The company is also offering 3G coverage to nearly 85 percent of the country’s population. The licenses that the company purchased allow for the company to use the bands for the next 20 years, beginning on January 1, 2014. The best part about the band licenses the company purchased is that they are technology neutral, meaning that anything the company wants to allow access to - the bands will indeed be able to access the network.  

Edited by Cassandra Tucker

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