Chic-Finder is a new app from the online fashion search engine of the same name. The app allows you to snap photos of looks that you love and then find similar items in Chic-Finder's 300-member global fashion e-commerce network.
The app is free to download from the iOS App Store. You can sign in using your online Chic-Finder account, or you can sign in with Facebook or Twitter.
Sign-in was a bit of a pain. The process took forever because the app crashed a couple of times before finally logging me on. When I finally gained access, I had to choose three people and three brands to follow before I could explore the app's functionality.
My home page showed a series of products for browsing that were more associated with brands than with any of the fashionistas that I followed. I got bored quickly, so I decided to snap a photo and then test out the fashion search function. I found an image on a "cool fashion ideas" Pinterest board, snapped the image and started to search.
You can search Chic-Finder for clothing, shoes or bags that are similar to your photo. Within each of the three main categories, you can choose subcategories. I started with shoes and selected the subcategory "boots" because I liked the brown boots in the image. On the screenshot below, you can see the image I photographed in the top left. Then, you can see the boots choices that the app generated on the right and further down the page.

I thought that at least the first pair of boots displayed was a decent match for the boots in the photo. I then went back, selected "clothing" and then "sweaters" and scanned through the choices that Chic-Finder offered:

The model in the photo is wearing a red button-up cardigan. Obviously, the first choices displayed looked nothing like the cardigan. Further down the page, I did see an image of a much shorter red sweater.
One issue with the app is that it doesn't show accessories beyond shoes and bags. I really liked the scarf in this photo, but I have no way to search for it within the app.
The online search engine performs a similar search function with photos that you upload to the Web. Also, Chic-Finder editors scour celebrity looks, post celebrity photos and offer shoppable choices that are similar to the looks in the photos.
Chic-Finder's ability to pull clothing images from images that you snap distinguishes it from a competitor fashion app called Styletag. However, Styletag gives you the option to follow serious fashion bloggers instead of just Chic-Finder community members. Also, Styletag's browsing features are much more colorful and engaging.
Once Chic-Finder works out its debut bugs, it's going to be an app that points the way for all future fashion apps to follow. Until then, download both the Chic-Finder and Styletag apps, and sign up for Chic-Finder online. By working with multiple options, you'll have a better shot at finding the look that you want.
Edited by
Ryan Sartor