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March 06, 2014

Gamebase Unveiling New Reach3dx Cross-platform Mobile 3D Game Engine

On March 17 2014 game developers will be gathering at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco, California. Mobile game developers especially may have something to truly make them jump for joy. Gamebase, developers of popular game engines Gamebryo and LightSpeed, have announced the development of a new engine, Reach3dx, to be unveiled at GDC.

Reach3dx will be a cross platform engine that developers can use to create 3D engine driven games. Reach3dx games will support iOS, Android, HTML5, and Flash. In an article for MCV UK, Paul Welch, Senior Lead Engineer of Reach3dx, commented regarding the purpose of Reach3dx, “There are two main goals of Reach3dx. The first is to provide cross-platform rendering that is flexible and high quality. The second is to decrease development times so users can get to the market faster on the ever changing mobile platforms.”

Gamebase brings a lot of experience and some big names under their list of past clients to the ballgame. Their earlier game engine, Gamebryo, is extremely popular with game developers. Gamebryo, used for PC and console games, has been used in over 300 video game titles. Examples of those titles include Disney’s Epic Mickey, 2k and Firaxis Games’ Civilization Revolution, Rockstar Games’ Bully, Atlus’ Catherine, and Bethesda’s Fallout 3. These examples show the versatility of Gamebryo, each being distinct and widely different from the others in terms of visuals and gameplay.

Gamebryo uses a modular system that allows game developers to choose elements of the engine that they wish to use, allowing them to tailor the engine to the needs of their games. This breaks down the classic game engine format of developing genre specific engines. Hence, Gamebryo has been used in almost every gaming genre.

Until GDC rolls out, information regarding the details of Reach3dx will be scarce. However, Gamebase appears to be dedicated to making game development easier and more customizable. If Gamebase brings this dedication and its expertise it has shown with its development of Gamebryo to the new cross-platform engine, Reach3dx may very well be a massive boon to the mobile gaming market. 

Edited by Cassandra Tucker

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