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March 07, 2014

Taplytics Mobile A/B Testing Platform for Native App Optimization

A/B testing (sometimes called split testing) refers to an interdisciplinary approach used to test new ideas, performance, or new features. It implies the use of two groups (A and B, the primary tested group and the control group), which measure and compare results at the same time according to some specific norms or set of criteria that accounts for changes, uncertainties, and probabilities. Testers observe the impact of the two test versions to determine which of the two variants is best or significant, more efficient and effective, in light of a specific goal. The entire process helps one make informed decisions (based on observed data) before committing to a long-term change.

Making A/B testing for mobile apps faster and easier is the goal of Taplytics, the company behind the native mobile A/B testing solution; it does a fine job testing and tracking the results of what’s happening in an app and can help developers make changes without doing any coding. 

Taplytics has developed a software development kit (SDK) that developers can install with their apps to run real-time A/B tests on iOS without waiting for App Store updates. The launching of the A/B testing platform for iOS applications (in February) has allowed A/B testing campaigns from a Web interface; developers have been enabled to update their apps for users, without having to wait on the App Store’s slower release cycle. 

The Taplytics A/B testing platform allows designers, developers, and non-developers alike to drop a line of code into their app easily. By eliminating the need for code and approvals, the company is simplifying the test process and is improving the way apps are updated; thus, allowing mobile teams to test any part of their app at any time, said Cobi Druxerman, co-founder of Taplytics.

All it takes to make immediate changes to live apps without having to first re-code and re-deploy them is to tap the element of the app that needs to be edited and assigned a new experiment, as explained in a Yahoo! Finance post on the subject, released on Tuesday of this week.

The post informs that Taplytics’ A/B testing platform, which leverages the Web-based Visual App Editor to allow changes, is able to give mobile teams the information they need to run successful apps and experiments. It notes, “Experiments can range from images and text to complete layouts, and are instantly pushed through to app users without any third-party approvals.” The method helps to get updates for apps out a lot quicker, which allows users the ability to test different experiences, send updates only to certain users (allowing for deeper segmentation and benchmarking), and quickly push out updates that take care of minor fixes, like visual bugs or typos, for instance.

In sum, “Taplytics' one line SDK integration pushes live app updates to users [before they are pushed out from the App Store onto user devices] and provides real-time measurement analytics to benchmark developers' goals,” tells the post. It explains the SDK connected to the app allows users to run experiments and set goals to benchmark how different variations of an app are performing. One simply takes an iPhone and pull up the Taplytics menu to have the ability to view and manage the results.

Edited by Cassandra Tucker

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