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March 13, 2014

iOS 8 Offering Better Apple Maps Application

When it comes to Apple’s next big iOS release, this time version 8, it appears the focus will be on improving the Apple Maps application more than anything else. iOS 8 is on the horizon as we really get into the meat of 2014 and there are plenty of inside sources that indicate the war between Apple and Google when it comes to mapping software is just getting warmed up.

Apple first launched its in house mapping solution with the release of iOS 6 but there were so many problems that the Cupertino company had to reverse course. Initially wanting to get rid of Google Maps altogether, the company ended up having to promote the rival application because its own mapping solution was leading people astray so often. Apple has been attempting to make little tweaks and improvements since then in every minor update.

The Apple engineers have been working night and day in order to make the map’s data and interface that much better. Last year the focus was still more on cosmetic changes, this year the changes and tweaks to the application are more “under the hood” and more substantive. The Cupertino firm has partnered with smaller firms like Broadmap, HopStop and Embark in order to update and revamp its mapping application.

Along with making it better, Apple is adding public transit directions in iOS 8. This is a big deal for the company when it comes to going head to head with Google. Google Maps has had the ability to get public transit instructions for quite some time. Apple adding the feature will bring it more in line with what’s already available, making the competition more real.

iOS 8 Map users can now actually get directions to their final destinations using public transit starting in cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York. The plan is to offer the function in other cities across the United States soon.

Edited by Cassandra Tucker

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