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March 31, 2014

AirWatch is a Two-time Winner at the GSMA's 19th Annual Global Mobile Awards

The growth of BYOD and mobile consumerization has led to the explosion of the use of mobile applications in the enterprise. What once lead to implementing mobile device management (MDM) solutions across the entire enterprise mobile ecosystem is now boosting the adoption of enterprise mobility management (EMM) applications, according to a report from Strategy Analytics. The latest document from Gartner, the information technology research and advisory company, reports that “less than 30 percent of enterprises have an EMM solution which is expected to increase to 65 percent by 2015.”

The trend toward EMM is forcing convergence of MDM and MAM into a unified platform: as unified mobile management solution. One can also expect EMM to spawn merger and acquisition (M&A) activities: “to address the requirements of enterprises and the shortcomings of current incomplete vendor solution portfolios,” explains a senior analyst with Yankee Group’s Enterprise Research group, in a Technology Roadmap: MDM Is Dead. Long Live EMM!

For businesses, emerging EMM incorporating multiple components will force consolidation among current Mobile Device Management (MDM), Mobile Application Management (MAM) and EMM vendors. One can expect a unified mobile solution for enterprises in the near future that will opens fresh new possibilities for improved processes to streamline operations, increase worker productivity, and manage costs.

Companies such as AirWatch, an MDM provider in the post-PC era that has comprehensive solutions for securing and managing complex mobile deployments, is on the move towards the future of mobile innovation: EMM. AirWatch, which has been sold to VMware, a California technology company, joins in building enterprise solutions to bring simplified mobility management. This is intended to work for every mobile device, OS, and deployment, to completely revolutionize the way companies do business within all domains of an organization.

Lately, AirWatch by VMware received two prestigious awards from the GSMA at the 19th Annual Global Mobile Awards. As per the PR Newswire post, last week, “GSMA selected the AirWatch Enterprise Mobility Management Platform as the winner of the ‘Best Enterprise Mobile Service’ Award, which recognizes the organization that has introduced the most innovative mobile tools to help corporations or enterprise users to work smarter and ‘do business better’ on the move. Additionally, the government of Lebanon's ‘Open Your Tomorrow’ initiative, powered by AirWatch and Triple C, was named the winner of the ‘Connected Government Award.’ This prestigious award acknowledges the innovative use of mobile technologies that deliver long-term and sustainable socio-economic benefits and wellbeing for citizens.

As per the post, the “AirWatch platform was named the winner of the "Best Enterprise Mobile Service" Award based on its ease of use, benefits to individual users and enterprises, ease of implementation, international applicability, return on investment and evidence of customer satisfaction. The AirWatch Enterprise Mobility Management Platform gives enterprises a strategic platform to securely manage a rapidly growing set of mobile devices and an increasingly mobile workforce.”

John Marshall, senior vice president and general manager of AirWatch, said it is a significant achievement foe the company. It goes to show how AirWatch by VMware helps drive mobile communications into the future; he also added that the company would use this momentum to continue driving innovation and growth.

According to John Hoffman, CEO, GSMA Ltd., it was stiff completion amongst the 680 high caliber entries this year. He explains, “the Global Mobile Awards were judged by a distinguished panel of independent experts, analysts, journalists and academics.” The event and the award “once again showcases the outstanding level of innovation and creative products and services being developed across a diverse and growing industry," said Hoffman.

Edited by Cassandra Tucker

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