Sales of smart mobile devices (SMDs) — smartphones and tablets — will continue to grow, predicts IDC. In fact, the IDC predictions team suggest continued full-blown high-stakes competition in 2014 amongst competing mobile platform players— iOS, Android, Windows, and others—in the IT marketplace. In addition, social app vendors continue to improve their mobile offerings in trying to win the battle for audience engagement and gain more followers and fans.
IDC is an American market research, analysis, and advisory firm specializing in IT that is a provider of market intelligence; according to its researchers, more and more consumers will abandon PC-based Internet usage in favor of using mobile devices as their default gateway to the Web; consumers will continue to embrace apps tailored specifically for social networking. Already last year, Rachel Rubenstein, a Social Media Account Manager at StrataBlue, in an article on the company’s website, predicted that 2014 would have seen Internet access via mobile exceeding that via desktop with a huge effect on digital marketing. In other words, when it comes to “social apps,” mobile is the platform of choice. “Whatever the reason, people are connecting on social platforms using smartphones…,” she said.

A TechCrunch post concurs with the IDC findings and explains that “when it comes to social networking services, mobile handsets are now the most popular form of access, with 66 percent of users saying they use mobile devices to access them.” That said, the social network to watch, these days, is iHookup Social, Inc., which is said to be the new network for hooking up! The company is the operating subsidiary of Titan Iron Ore Corp. that has a "proximity based" mobile social platform that facilitates real connections, between real real time! At present, “the company is pursuing its growth in its current ‘dating vertical’ market, as well as expanding its reach in the general audience category of ‘Social Networking’ in hope to bring together a dynamic opportunity for dating, friends, groups and organizations, to break through closed social cliques and expand them, not only virtually, but in real life!”
Since the release of the app in July of 2013, iHookup has achieved thousands of user downloads, subscribed hundreds of members, released an iOS7 app upgrade (which incorporates an all new social user interface design and brand integration) and undergone various ranking breakthroughs, climbing the iTunes rankings in the Social Networking category. In fact, this month, “the company's product ‘Hookup’ was ranked as high as number sixteen (16) in Apple's USA based app store's social networking category. This rank has been achieved in the category of Social Networking paid apps (US) that includes twenty two thousand (22,000) apps, as revealed a March 18 Yahoo! Finance post.
On Monday, of this week, another Yahoo! Finance post mentioned that iHookup Social announced that the company has entered into an agreement with Sprylogics International Corp, a provider of local mobile search and messaging solutions for consumers and mobile applications providers, to introduce new revenue streams into their apps with its Poynt-Enabled SDK flagship product.
Under the agreement, Sprylogics' Poynt-Enabled implementation will allow iHookup users to carry out local content searches and share search subject results with whomever without leaving the messaging or mobile app. As Sprylogics International Corp. explains, “The Poynt-Enabled Software Development Kit can be quickly integrated into your application to provide messaging, content sharing or searching capabilities.”
iHookup users will be able not only to find a potential date, but also “search for a nearby location to meet, map it, make an online reservation, identify nearby parking, and then swipe to share that content or their location with their ‘Hookup’ connection, all without leaving the app,” the recent Yahoo! Finance post mentioned.
Dean Rositano, President of iHookup Social, conveyed he was very pleased to integrate the Sprylogics SDK into the app and to enrich the user social-dating interaction experience. The “iHookup Social is the ideal partner for our SDK solution," stated Marvin Igelman, CEO of Sprylogics, as the all-in-one mobile local search app makes potential daters have an easier way to plan their date and visit establishments or venue, he explained.
Currently, the "iHookup" mobile app is distributed worldwide through Apple iTunes. It offers both a free and paid version for download. The paid version allows users a free trial to all available features for 24 hours, for a one-time fee of ($.99) at the time of download. The company also provides a free app, which allows users to view profiles and browse prior to any subscription purchase. For further details, visit the iHookup Social company official website.
Edited by
Cassandra Tucker