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April 03, 2014

Frost & Sullivan Reveals Enterprises Want Mobile Apps

Enterprises are looking to increase their efficiency, and the go to means of doing so appears to be through the usage of mobile apps on employee devices. Frost & Sullivan, an agency that works with executives in growth development using research, has conducted a study that finds that the usage of mobile apps among businesses is increasing.

The 2013 North American Mobile Enterprise Applications research by Frost & Sullivan analyzes data on the current and future behaviors of enterprise mobile apps. The study was conducted through a survey of 308 decision makers of companies known to implement mobile solutions. According to the research, 48 percent of the surveyed decision makers stated that their companies are already using between 1 and 10 mobile apps on employee devices.

Frost & Sullivan also delved into which mobile apps are viewed as the most necessary for business. It should not surprise anyone, but the mobile apps that are considered most necessary are email applications. In second place came mobile sales force automation apps. Other enterprise mobile app services that were researched include mobile asset tracking, and mobile workforce management.

The research showed that apps that are rated as “very necessary” by decision makers have a much higher likelihood of implementation, up to a 41 percent chance they have already, or will be, taken up by an enterprise. Businesses want efficiency boosts, and assured benefits before they are willing to spend the money.

"This is a fragmented market with many stakeholders," noted Olszewska. "Mobile app developers tend to be small and scattered, so direct sales are an insufficient strategy on their own. The correct channel partners are a key requirement for success. Additionally, stakeholders must continue to clarify the business benefits of their mobile solutions, especially the hard- and soft-dollar return on investment experienced by current users."

Other hurdles for mobile app developers that the Frost & Sullivan’s research revealed included security for company and customer data, and the high cost of implementation. However, many developers are open to making arrangements and signing contracts that would allay such fears. 

Edited by Cassandra Tucker

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