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April 15, 2014

Boingo to Provide Wi-Fi for EnergySolutions Arena

Boingo, a provider of small-cell and distributed antenna systems (DAS), will soon provide Wi-Fi services for EnergySolutions Arena, the home of the Utah Jazz basketball team. The two organizations recently reached a deal that will allow Boingo to upgrade the DAS at the arena and continue to manage its operations over the next several years.

The upgrade will provide event attendees with wireless broadband coverage that stadium managers hope will enhance their experiences. EnergySolutions Arena conducts over 100 sports and entertainment events every year. The new systems should be operational for fans by the beginning of the Jazz's 2014 season, which begins this fall.  Jamie Galileo, vice president of facilities services at the arena, commented about the improvements the new DAS system will bring.

“We know our guests want to stay connected, and the launch of the enhanced DAS network will provide even faster service throughout the arena," Galileo said. "With their extensive experience in deploying and managing cellular networks at major league and collegiate sports venues, we know Boingo will deliver the world-class connectivity our fans deserve.”

This arrangement appears to be far-reaching both in current and future scope. Boingo will be transforming the present workings of the DAS system at the arena, and its contract awards the company exclusive rights to future small-cell solutions management with EnergySolutions Arena. This is also not the first time that Boingo has taken on such a lofty project. It has a history of working with universities, stadiums, and airports in countries all over the world.

Boingo advertises its business-related services on its website as more than just Wi-Fi access. The company says it creates more foot traffic into venues and improves convenience for guests once they are inside. For airports, in particular, Boingo mentions its analytics services that allow businesses to better understand their customers and therefore will help customers receive improved services.

Beyond hosting Jazz basketball games, EnergySolutions Arena provides fans with shows on ice, dirt-based events, and music events. It is known for having hosted ice skating competitions during the 2002 Olympic Winter Games and as well as NCAA men's college basketball.

Edited by Maurice Nagle

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