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May 01, 2014

FreedomPop Now Offers iPhone 5 Free Plans

FreedomPop has made quite a name for itself as a company that is able to offer some of the best phones on the market without the need to lock customers into long term contracts. Now the company has announced it is able to offer the iPhone along with free mobile service plans that it claims allow for free data, talk and text.

The announcement comes months after it was able to offer the same kind of deal on select Android devices including a slightly modified Galaxy S II. The company has also made a name for itself by offering up phones that are actually billed as a little more secure than the ones that roll off the assembly line.

These phones are said to be, “privacy focused” while offering some of the features that make the most popular phones, the most popular phones on the market. As with most offers like this, the free part doesn’t extend quite as far as most FreedomPop users would like to see. The plan includes just 200 voice minutes but also has 500 texts and 500MB of data per month. While some hardcore iPhone users might find those numbers a bit restrictive, others might not need much more than that, especially when it comes to 500 texts.

In order to get the plans, you first need to register your zip code, email and physical address. If you qualify for one of the free plans, you can either purchase a 16GB iPhone 5 for $349 or bring over your own Sprint-compatible model of the iPhone. FreedomPop allows Sprint users who have either an iPhone 4, 4S or 5 into the plan.

If you don’t want to go with the free plan, and need more minutes and texts, you are still going to be able to save some serious cash. The “Unlimited Monthly” plan gives users unlimited voice and texts but still limits people to 500MB of data per month. This plan only costs $5 per month as long as you purchase the iPhone from FreedomPop. If you bring your own iPhone over from Sprint, prices go up slightly and a new plan that includes an “annual” option is also offered up.

Edited by Stefania Viscusi

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