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June 27, 2014

Motorola's Moto 360 Aims to Change the Way Smartwatches Look and Function

What is all this marketing hype on smartwatches? Well, the development of watch-like wearable technology has been fascinating consumers of all ages. A smartwatch is no ordinary watch; it is a minicomputer that does much more than just time telling. In fact, smartwatches can use various high-end applications to take calls and check emails or text messages; some even function as an activity-tracking device, heart rate sensor, or connect to other wearable devices.  

Today, smartwatches are the next big thing in the wearable tech world; they are quickly becoming more prevalent, some suggest, than smartphone-connected bracelets, as seen by the interest of consumers who either already own or plan to own one.

Manufacturers continue to develop 'the ultimate wearable tech' smartwatch to surpass the competition in the market. But what are consumers really looking for? Is it the watch that contains the most innovative technology (software and operational features) or the one that makes a fashion statement that will be seen worn on everyone's wrist?

Motorola Mobility’s newest smartwatch venture, the Moto 360, a smartwatch powered by Google's Android Wear platform that will first be available in the U.S. sometime this summer, looks very promising, as noted a Gizmodo post on Wednesday of this week; the post compares it to Samsung’s first Android Wear, the Gear Live and provides insight to both smartwatches. In the Gizmodo report, it talks about its quick first impression of Moto 360 and tells how it measures up to of Samsung's Gear Live, noting some of the similarities and differences between them.

The post mentions that both smartwatches look good and are fashionable timepieces that are sure to attract buyers. It mentions that Motorola refused to let anybody know specifics about the watch, now, perhaps until it comes closer to its release date on the market. However, there are indications that Moto 360 will also be containing an AMOLED display screen, like the Samsung’s Gear Live, with an easy-to-read panel that offers high resolution and ultra-high clarity. Moreover, it integrates a digitizer, meaning the layer that detects touch and makes operating the watch features unproblematic. According to google, the 360 will also respond to the voice command "OK Google" and can conduct searches and answer questions on the consumer’s behalf.

In addition, the two smartwatches contain an interface that is simple and attractive; each offers a great selection of apps. Samsung Gear Live will support “both square and circular screens.” The Moto 360 will only be available with a round interface. According to the post, Moto 360 looks like the hottest piece of hardware to strap on, but, in the end, it will be left to the consumers who will have to decide.

Some suggest the new watch that will connect to Android smartphones, tablets, and even cars, is the one that will grab lots of attention and perhaps be the wearable of choice overcoming other Android Wear smartwatches like it (e.g., Samsung and LG). What is sure is that with the Moto 360, Motorola has created a functional smartwatch with mass appeal. Whether it will surpass all competitors remains to be seen. As of today, 360 pricing has yet to be announced.

Edited by Maurice Nagle

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