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August 20, 2014

Wireless Charging Company Partners with Semiconductor Supplier

A wireless charging development company announced this week a new partnership with a semiconductor supplier that will make it possible to create new device designs and further test the desire for such products in the overall market.

Energous Corporation is the creator of the WattUp wireless charging technology that uses radio signals to charge devices in a manner similar to accessing Wi-Fi.

Devices capable of interfacing with the WattUp technology can move about specific areas within reach of the radio waves and charge themselves as they continue to operate.

The technology is still in its infancy, so Energous has partnered with Dailog Semiconductor to develop proof-of-concept designs that will show the capability of wireless charging in the real world.

In the official announcement, Stephen R. Rizzone, CEO of Energous Corporation, commented on the partnership and the changes that may take place in the electronics market as wireless charging becomes  prevalent.

"Our collaboration with Dialog Semiconductor will provide consumer electronics manufacturers with a superior technology that will differentiate their products with the freedom of charging without wires," Rizzone said. "By optimizing WattUp with Dialog's SmartBond connectivity and power management technology, OEMs will be able to seamlessly and rapidly integrate wire-free charging and remote management right into their devices."

The Energous website describes the previous incarnation of wireless charging -- stationary charging mats -- as a useful technology, but it was also one that required users to give up access to their devices. Charging mats do not require wired connections; they do, however, require that devices be placed on top of them in order to charge.

WattUp is different because it allows charging through the air. "WattUp gives you complete freedom to roam the room while still receiving power to your device," the website says. It continues by listing the types of different devices that can benefit from wireless charging. Everything from mobile phones to medical wearables can potentially receive charging from radio waves as simply as devices now receive WiFi connections.

Obviously, this technology will require cooperation on the part of device makers. That is where Dialog comes in. Its Bluetooth-enabled integrated circuits can harvest energy from the radio waves that a WattUp transmitter can send out. Together, the companies will be able to demonstrate the link between radio transmission to energy harvesting and provide real-life examples of working, self-charging devices to mobile device manufacturers and OEMs.

Edited by Stefania Viscusi

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