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March 17, 2015

Comview Updates Integrated Telecom Management WMM Platform

Comview, a developer of telecom expense management software, recently announced the latest update to its Integrated Telecom Management platform, which provides businesses in North America with wireless mobility management tools from the cloud.

The changes Comview made to its well-worn WMM platform this time around focus largely on the ability for businesses to track expenses and assets as they relate to growing mobile workforces that are spread across the globe. Although mobility can allow companies to become more agile, the spread of user accounts, invoices, and personal assets can make management difficult; this is where Integrated Telecom Management steps in to bring those disparate pieces together.

It works first by allowing expense management departments to select their preferred currency. From that base, the Comview cloud-based software can normalize all invoices that are reported in other currencies in order to make the entirety of invoice data match. Currency conversion is instant, and departments can view reports that show a line-item comparison of each enterprise asset so decision makers can get an in-depth look at their spending across multiple markets in various countries.

Since billing for wireless access is such a big part of global operations, Comview has also expanded its connection with mobile carriers on an international level. The cloud-based WMM platform can now pull invoice data directly from 145 mobile carriers that operate within 45 countries. This way, reporting of such data is made easy by a direct link between businesses and their chosen carriers.

Comview first introduced the updates at an industry event this past week. It indicated in this announcement that businesses expect these currency conversion and mobile carrier integration from their mobility management software, so it has spent time catering to those customers' desires. The company has also been busy over the past year by adding an industry veteran to its marketing team and working to enhance management of bring-your-own-device business environments. Its update of wireless management should make a positive addition to its efforts from the past year. Those businesses that take advantage of BYOD also must invest in wireless, and if they have operations spread across the globe, they could find benefits in a range of Comview software.

Edited by Maurice Nagle

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