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May 14, 2015

Altair Semiconductor Completes AT&T ADAPT Chipset Validation

Validation of a tech product is essential to the growth of a product. When it comes to the proliferation of 4G LTE mobile technologies, the validation of chipsets becomes an integral part of growth for those chips and for the overall market itself.

The importance of validation cannot be understated, so the recent validation Altair Semiconductor's FourGee-3800/6300 chipset with the AT&T ADAPT program speaks volumes. ADAPT is important to the overall communications market because it helps reduce the time-to-market and costs associated with all manner of 4G LTE hardware. Devices can be anything from machine-to-machine (M2M) nodes in the Internet of Things to consumer mobile handsets such as smartphones or tablets.

Eran Eshed, the vice president of marketing and co-founder of Altair, spoke about the importance of validation in his company's announcement.

“Completing the ADAPT validation with AT&T Wireless is an important milestone for Altair,” Eshed said. “We are looking forward to driving innovation on LTE-only enabled devices on [the] AT&T Wireless network.”

Altair has a head start on some of the competition by already having its chipsets in many M2M modules and consumer devices. Across the globe, individuals can find Altair in more than 50 products that ultimately number in the millions in the final count.

From here, validation with AT&T will only help expand that number of products by allowing original equipment manufacturers to more easily build LTE-capable products with the Altair chipset in mind.

Altair has been on this course for some time and is showing that the market can benefit greatly from its products. Its introduction of the CAT-0 and CAT-1 chipsets earlier this year is expected to bump up the deployment of LTE products by two years. TMC noted that devices such as sensors, smart meters, street lamps, vending machines, and wearables all stand to benefit from that release.

The FourGee-3800 and 6300 line will likely only add to that development. For their own benefit, telecoms want to have chipsets that will work without fail so they can deliver quality products to their customers. In this case, AT&T should have that guarantee and will have the benefit of moving forward with LTE possibly faster than it previously could have planned.

Edited by Dominick Sorrentino

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