Businesses have a wide variety of concerns that crop up on a daily basis. These range from issues both external—where the market is going, what the customers want and so on—to the internal, issues of staffing and operations. But when it comes to mobility, Good Technology recently pinned down three of the biggest concerns that enterprise users have as part of its 12th quarterly Mobility Index Report.
Those three big concerns are both simple and highly complex: issues of privacy, security, and usability top the list for many mobile operations out there, and these users are looking to a variety of measures to better provide the desired results. Apps are often being used to provide security in corporate information, the study found, and said apps are actually allowing work and personal functions to be performed on the same device more readily, great for those offices with a bring your own device (BYOD) stance.
But the study didn't stop there; the study found that 67 percent of firms were using two or more apps other than email, and the average organization uses almost four apps along with email. Secure browser technology is proving the biggest category, holding the leader position for the last three quarters straight and proving its value. Custom app growth saw its biggest gains in the energy and utilities sector, going from a number described as “negligible” to 49 percent use in one quarter. The insurance industry also routinely turned to custom apps, with nearly a third—32 percent—of its app use being custom in nature.
The study also found such noteworthy morsels as the financial service industry's increasing use of secure instant messaging tools, and business and professional services routinely proved to be a market in documents. Document editing apps found use in 37 percent of respondent firms, while document access found place with 15 percent of firms including accounting firms, law firms and consulting operations.
Good Technology's CEO and chairman, Chrissy Wyatt, offered up some comment on the study, saying “As the mobile device displaces the desktop as the primary computing platform, enterprise mobility is enabling employees with the secure apps and content they need. We continue to see security at the heart of every enterprise conversation, coupled with end user privacy concerns.”
Given that Good Technology recently received some major accolades from Gartner, which recognized several of Good Technology's offerings in the 2015 Critical Capabilities for High-Security Mobility Management report, it's clear Good Technology knows from where it speaks. This is especially clear as Good Technology landed the highest score possible in all six of Gartner's available use cases.
All of this adds up to a clear look at the field; enterprises crave security in the operations. The data that's being spread around from one place to another needs to be kept secure, and it needs to be kept private such that those who need the information to advance corporate goals are those who have it. But neither privacy nor security is of much value if the applications and systems can't be used, and so usability likewise becomes a factor in all this. Enterprise mobility can be a tough field to get around in, but Good Technology seems to have just the technology to do the job.
Edited by
Dominick Sorrentino