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August 12, 2015

Cybera Receives Verizon 4G LTE Certification

Cybera offers its security-as-a-service hardware and software combination to enterprises in order to heighten controlled access to their networks. With only a single piece of hardware required on-premise at any business location, employees need only tunnel their connections through Cybera to remain secure from any remote location.

Cybera One, the company's flagship product, recently received certification from Verizon to work with its 4G LTE network. Both Cybera and Verizon have been completing compatibility tests to make sure they work well with one another, and now each service provider can boast that certification has arrived. Cliff Duffey, the president and founder of Cybera, commented in the official announcement that the addition of Verizon's certification will allow enterprises more flexibility.

“Cybera has a proud track record serving our enterprise customers with technology solutions that help them simplify networks, secure data, and reduce costs,” Duffey said. “Incorporating Verizon's 4G LTE network into our existing Cybera ONE solution is an important milestone for Cybera because it allows us to offer our enterprise customers with more flexibility in connecting their business critical applications.”

The single piece of hardware enterprises must connect at their premises simply connects to the 4G LTE network. It helps enterprise networks filter content through the Cybera cloud to make sure users have secure access in addition to speed and reliability. The entire system offers plug-and-play functionality, so networks will experience a minimum of setup time on their way to full operation. Following installation, on-call engineers and technicians can assist businesses that experience any problems with their services.

Cybera should expect this certification to add to its already-impressive resume. It has recently worked with payment card vendors such as Kahala and has added to its executive team by hiring Ken Kaley as its vice president of product marketing. Moreover, it has shown success in the Cybersecurity 500 directory as one of the top 50 companies in the market. It may seem like the only place to go from here is down. But additions such as 4G LTE could keep it on the upward climb.

Edited by Dominick Sorrentino

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