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August 27, 2015

Juniper Research: Wireless Charging Will Grow Almost 40 Percent by 2020

The smartphones most of us carry with us have become an integral part of our way of life. The inaugural Bank of America Trends in Consumer Mobility Report revealed 47 percent of Americans would not last a day without their smartphone, and 91 percent said it was as important as a car or deodorant. This and other surveys highlight the increasingly important role these devices play in our lives, but there is still one thing that continues to bother users going as far back as the regular cellphones, and that is charging the battery. We’ve all been waiting for an innovative charging solution, and wireless charging is finally here.

The sooner mobile device manufacturers make the technology available in all their products, the sooner consumers will jump aboard. A new study from Juniper Research has found 40 percent of households in the U.S. and over 20 percent in Europe will be using wireless charging by 2020.

The research, titled, Wireless Charging: Opportunities, Applications & Standards 2015-2020, not only highlights the growth potential of wireless charging, but according to the firm that can also be the launch pad for many data services across different sectors.

The one drawback Juniper points out is the perception of the technology consumers have regarding its inefficiency compared to traditional charging methods. This it believes will keep interest in the technology low in the short term.

The key to wide adoption of the technology is making the charging infrastructure available to consumers wherever they go. Just like Wi-Fi now has become ubiquitous in virtually every business, wireless charging could be used in the same way.  

The Juniper research explores the current and future technologies in wireless charging, as well as standards and key use cases for the technology.

The analysis covers key sectors including, but not limited to:

  • Smartphone, tablets, smart wearables and laptop charging;
  • Infrastructure and electric vehicle charging;
  • Consumer in-vehicle charging;

Research author James Moar said wireless charging will be more than power and speed of charge. According to his observations, “The ability to pinpoint device location through data exchange enables all kinds of location-based activation functions around the home, the car and in the leisure industry. Industry stakeholders must be ready to leverage this capacity.”

Edited by Dominick Sorrentino

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