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October 13, 2015

GoSwiff Launches Mobile Payment Application for POS Systems

GoSwiff, an application developer and provider of mobile payment services, recently announced its release of a new payment application that intends to help increase the efficacy of mobile point of sale (POS) systems.

The new GoSwiff app begins its charge with a user interface that tries to make mobile payments easy for every customer. It also allows individuals to withdraw cash and gives merchants the power to tie their location to the app for improved processing of monetary transactions. It even includes a notification system that can tie all transactions to third party apps that handle inventory or product management.

Ranucci Brandimarte, the CEO of GoSwiff, commented in his company’s announcement that GoSwiff is dedicated to providing innovative payment applications.

“GoSwiff is leading the way in innovating and providing cutting-edge payment technologies that help merchants meet the growing demand for digital payments and consumer services,” Brandimarte said. “We remain committed to investing in new and improved technology and services, thereby driving innovative new developments in the financial and mobile payment sector.”

In order to use the POS application, users must have the Android or iOS apps available on their phones and have an account with GoSwiff. They can then proceed to interact with the systems and complete actions such as withdrawing cash, which GoSwiff notes is an important function in developing markets that may not have many ATMs or bank branches to facilitate dispensation of cash.

Merchants can also take advantage of GoSwiff’s other latest release – an update to its mobile commerce platform product catalog. Within the catalog, merchants may display their items and track their sale. The catalog dashboard also allows managers to link users to such products from promotions on their websites.

The system comes full circle when customers see the promoted items on a POS terminal. Users can browse products and make purchases from their mobile devices all while merchants track those interactions to better understand which products are selling and which need refreshed.

Users should find the new mobile payment app convenient to use with its many features. Especially in developing nations, this app could make its mark as an easy way to get cash and make further purchases in locations that do not support mobile payment. In either case, consumers can be ready with either their phones or wallets to obtain the goods they need or desire.

Edited by Stefania Viscusi

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