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October 14, 2015

AT&T to Launch NumberSync, Allow Devices to Share Phone Number

One of the largest ripples made in the development of mobile technologies in recent years has been the idea of shared data plans, a service that allows customers to pay for one data plan and then share their allotted data between multiple smartphones, tablets, or other devices. Now, AT&T is taking that idea a step further with the launch of their NumberSync service later in this year. The service will allow a customer to use the same mobile number for all their mobile devices.

Although this is not a completely revolutionary idea, it does represent a marked improvement from previous iterations. For example, Apple products currently have a service where a user can receive and answer iMessages on their iPhone, iPad, or Mac computer, but it only works for iMessages, which are sent over Wi-Fi. This interconnectivity previously could not accommodate text messages sent using cellular data or phone calls. AT&T’s NumberSync, on the other hand, is specifically designed for that purpose.

The NumberSync service would allow customers to use whatever mobile device is closest to answer text messages or make/receive voice and video calls, representing an incredible convenience. The potential is even more exciting with wearable technology like the smart watch. While these devices can already receive alerts from mobile phones, they need to be paired over Bluetooth with a phone in order to do so. With NumberSync, a smart watch could be assigned “its own” number (that would be the same as the owner’s phone number), allowing it to function independently of a smartphone.

The same principle could be applied to connected cars: many cars already have some smartphone functionality, but they need to be connected to that smartphone to work. NumberSync could assign the car itself a phone number and thus allow it to operate independently.

AT&T’s NumberSync service takes the idea of connecting devices to smartphones and extends the convenience and application of it to new heights. When the feature launches in a few months, users will find it easier than ever to stay connected.

Edited by Kyle Piscioniere

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