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November 25, 2015

In the End, There Can Be a Lot of Traffic on Corning ONE Wireless Platform

I had the chance to speak with Todd Christner of Corning, to talk about Corning ONE’s recent record-setting management of Kyle Stadium at Texas A&M. The stats on traffic are pretty extraordinary, even though the football team may not be ranked No. 1: Texas A&M recently broke the collegiate record for data usage, with 5.7 terabytes of data over Wi-Fi. Compare that to the 4.9 terabytes used during the College Football Championship at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, and the overall record of 6.2 terabytes set at last year’s Super Bowl.  This includes wireless traffic as well as IP and Ethernet traffic at the stadium.

I shared with Todd that I normally think of Corning as Corning Blue (which is the shade of Corning’s fiber strands).  Todd told me that fiber has evolved from network core to the entrances in the basements, to riser cables, and it now connects antennas back to the base stations. Corning ONE is a DAS solution that homes radio traffic from antennas to their network core.  This allows them to support carrier frequencies including the cellular carriers and Wi-Fi implementations. It also allows other companies like a Cisco or a Tellabs to plug in to all of one infrastructure to transmit their signals back across our fiber.

The network for the DAS systems is segmented and mapped to provide location accuracy within 6 to 10 meters. In general, the metrics associated with using Corning ONE translates into better customer experiences.

The system at Kyle stadium has a lot of capability beyond the record-setting traffic and is designed in a way that if the university wanted to use the system for dormitories and lecture halls, it could share resources to support campus life as it moves from class schedules to game day. 

The traffic in the stadium reflects the fans: in the student body section, texting rules. For the alumni, it’s video about collegiate scores and updates from other conference games. In the suites, the IPTV is controlled by a smart app. And of course we have security, facilities and all sorts of IP traffic all on the network.

Because in the end, it’s all ONE.

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