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January 21, 2016

IIJ Surpasses One Million Subscribers as MVNO

Since 2008, Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ) has been offering mobile service to its corporate clients. IIJ continues to act as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) for multiple carriers and recently announced that its subscription have surpassed the one million mark.

As of December 2015, 1.073 million subscribers have begun using IIJ’s services such as voice and data. In part, the mobile provider noted, the growth of its business in the past several years has taken place because of the increased use of smart devices within enterprises. The proliferation of smartphones and tablets has reached new heights in markets across the globe – in both the consumer and business sectors. In Japan, that trend is not lost, and enterprise customers have even demanded higher speeds, which prompted the launch of the IIJmio High-Speed Mobile/D Service.

This service that began in 2012 comes to users through the SIM cards in their mobile phones. Within the confines of IIJmio High-Speed, customers can access voice calling and gain access to their data transmission speeds. The “speed switching” app gives each individual the power to determine how fast he or she wants a document to be sent.

IIJ noted that it was the first in its market to offer this sort of value-added service; it has reportedly led the SIM market by providing such features to its corporate clients.

Consumers outside of business appear to also have been granted access to the MVNO. This recent expansion to the consumer market almost instantly moved IIJ’s subscriber numbers from 685 thousand to more than one million in just the span of a month. The mobile operator’s services are now accessible through retail stores and third party convenience stores.

The operator credits its rapid expansion to the dedication of its user base. Those companies and individuals seem drawn to the quality of service and special features that IIJ has released in its short time as a mobile service provider. If IIJ continues to innovate in all sides of the market, it could continue to secure its own future as a leader in Japan.

Edited by Kyle Piscioniere

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