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June 09, 2016

FCC Broadband Reform: You are here!

On July 12, while I am running my IOT event, the IoT Evolution Expo, my friends involved with the FCC are going to have a webinar. Now, while I personally want everyone I know to hang out with me, the reality is that I have lots of friends that have not migrated to IoT.

However, almost everyone I know has migrated to broadband. That’s why I am suggesting that you join Glenn Richards, Executive Director, VON Coalition and Partner at Pillsbury Law, and Debbie Matties, VP, Privacy, CTIA and Dallas Harris Policy Fellow at Public Knowledge, for this webinar on broadband policy.

I don’t envy the FCC having to deal with the migration of their focus from voice to rich media and plain old telephone services to broadband. In today’s political environment it’s hard not to be controversial and, when it comes to an evolving market, the opportunity for controversy magnifies.

I am too much of a layman for the regulatory world to take me seriously. I try to express my concerns that Net Neutrality is fighting the battles of 1981 over again and that laws on the books from the 1890s on how to treat telephonic and telegraphic in many states make the paradigms skewed.

So my desire for sweeping reform flies in the face of reality.

This is all the more reason for those who live within the existing regimen to pay attention to this webinar. If you are not joining me in Las Vegas, and you are recognizing that fixed wireless is probably close to being a competitor to existing services you should join this call.

It’s free.

Register here, and tell them the Carl sent you.

Edited by Ken Briodagh

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