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December 14, 2016

ITEXPO Exhibitor CoreDial Adds to Mobile

Communications tools are a vital part of just about every business in the field. Thus, those who make communications tools generally have a worthwhile business to deliver on. That's good news for firms in the sector like CoreDial, an ITEXPO exhibitor who recently brought out a new mobile app to provide added value in the communications tool field.

CoreDial's new mobile app offers a set of new tools specifically geared toward the small and medium-sized business (SMB) market. With these tools in place, SMBs using the mobile app can better connect to other businesses and to customers, which commonly helps improve overall outcomes. The tools also better facilitate a mobile workforce, which is increasingly a part of everyday business operations. Tools included in the new version feature such valuable systems as conference calls that take just one click to join, easy access to voicemail and corporate directories, extension dialing for coworkers, and even a slate of virtual attendant settings to effectively give most everyone a kind of receptionist.

CoreDial's vice president of product management, Caitlin Clark-Zigmond, commented, “Small and midsize enterprises are looking for business solutions that can move at the speed of business and quickly deliver a better user experience and rich functionality. With the addition of the mobile app to our white label portfolio, we are providing partners with an additional path to drive continuous value, long-term viability and success.”

That's not just good news for the end users, either, but also for the value-added resellers (VARs) and managed services providers (MSPs) who offer the product. With new reports suggesting ongoing gains in mobile workforce operations—going from 96.2 million in 2015 to 105.4 million in 2020 based on some industry reports—that drives the demand for products like ITEXPO exhibitor CoreDial's. A product in greater demand will fare better in the field against competitors and will also ultimately deliver new value for users, making the product more attractive and giving its resellers a halo-effect demand boost as well, at least potentially. Beyond that, however, there's a clear value to CoreDial as well; it's offering a system that's increasingly in demand, and though there are plenty of competing systems out there, it's obvious that CoreDial's will deliver clear value.

It's good news all around, and chances are that CoreDial will be able to show its new app's full capabilities at the upcoming ITEXPO event, running February 8 – 10 in Fort Lauderdale. It might well mean a few new resellers on board to take advantage of the new features as well.

Edited by Alicia Young

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