Today, broadband has, in many ways, become the cornerstone for economic growth, job creation, global competitiveness and a better way of life. To improve performance on mobile calls and higher mobile broadband speeds, AT&T has added and upgraded cell sites across Indiana as part of its 2011 initiative to deliver the nation's most-advanced mobile broadband experience.
According to a press release, AT&T has expanded coverage in more than 15 communities across Indiana. The company has invested more than $150 million in its Indiana wireless and wireline networks in the first half of 2011.
"The need for enhanced wireless coverage continues to increase as more and more businesses rely on mobile devices to stay connected with their customers," said Lieutenant Governor Becky Skillman. "In a competitive environment where speed and reliability are critical, it's great to see companies like AT&T investing in their customer experience here in Indiana and enabling other companies to grow their operations through the use of wireless technology."
The Indiana network enhancements are part of AT&T's plan to invest in the $20-billion range in its national wireless and wireline networks and this investment will support plans to enable 4G speeds over an increasing portion of the country throughout the year, including the planned initial launch of LTE beginning mid-year and the deployment of enhanced backhaul connections that enable 4G speeds.
AT&T has expanded its mobile broadband network in 15 communities across the state including:Sharpsville, Indian Heights, Van Buren, Fowlerton, Pine Village, South Bloomington, Auburn,Goshen, Elkhart, Huntington, Fort Wayne, Granger, South Bend, Warsaw and Kokomo.
AT&T installs additional radio "carriers" at more than 30,000 cell sites nationally this year, enabling new layers of spectrum capacity to carry larger volumes of mobile broadband traffic.
In other company news, MobilityTechzone reported that AT&T has launched the AT&T Mobile Barcode Services to enable consumers and businesses to create, publish and manage1D and 2D Mobile barcodes.
The 4G Wireless Evolution Conference will be collocated with ITEXPO West, the world’s premier IP communications event, to be held Sept. 13-15 at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, TX. Now in its third year, 4GWE has become the industry's premier gathering place for Mobile Network Operators, fixed carriers, handset manufacturers, mobile internet device manufacturers, application providers, the enterprise, and venture capitalists. Don’t wait. Register now.
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Mandira Srivastava is a MobilityTechzone contributor. She works as a full-time writer, ghostwriter and blogger, and has more than two years of experience in print and Web media. She has also worked on company brochures, website content and product descriptions, as well as proofreading and editing content. To read more of her articles, please visit her columnist page.Edited by
Rich Steeves