Mobile Devices

February 15, 2013

KnowledgeView Develops Upgrade for QNA News Apps

According to a Friday press release, KnowledgeView recently developed a major upgrade to iOS and Android apps for delivering news reports from Qatar News Agency (QNA). A push technology known as "Publish Live Technology" will deliver content to users.

London-based KnowledgeView develops news publishing technologies and smartphone apps to deliver content. About 40 news media companies and 5,000 journalists use its Publish Live solution, which facilitates publishing news in print, web and broadcast formats and consist of modules like RAPID Browser, Mobile, Archive and Editor. The company also has a major office in Beirut, Lebanon.

The apps will help QNA better provide news from the Middle East to the rest of the world. Streaming of video and radio content will be available 24/7 but users will be able to multitask, doing other activity on their devices with audio in the background.

News will be delivered at different levels, based on subscription levels. A public feed will supply content to all users with additional news available to media, business and government subscribers.

QNA is a state-run news agency, based in Qatar’s national capital, Doha. It was founded in 1975 by royal decree, becoming the first news agency to cover the Persian Gulf region and provides news in Arabic and English. Increasing the nation's exposure globally is one of the agency's objectives.

It is not even debatable that the influence of mobile devices is already significant and will only become more so in years to come. QNA’s upgrade with KnowledgeView is simply an acknowledgement of that reality.

In the Middle East media market, the proverbial elephant in the room is another Qatari-based news agency, Al-Jazeera. Their reach is already global and their recent purchase of Al Gore’s Current TV led to the creation of Al-Jazeera America, which is expected to start broadcasting from its New York base later this year. While QNA’s efforts to upgrade its technology should help increase awareness of Qatari happenings around the world, one has to wonder if these efforts won’t get drowned out by Al Jazeera.

Edited by Amanda Ciccatelli

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