Mobile Devices

May 21, 2013

AVG Launches Two New Apps for Android

AVG Technologies, known for its presence in Internet security and privacy space, has announced two new applications, AVG Cleaner and AVG Image Shrinker.

AVG Cleaner is designed to help your phone run more smoothly by deleting certain files in order to free up memory. Users can use the application monitor their device memory and storage, remove files, and even schedule regular clean ups of cache and previous browser history files to keep the device running at its peak.

AVG Image Shrinker also looks to help Android users cut back on data and storage. The application will reduce the size of any image, which can then be sent directly to Facebook, Instagram and many other social networking sites. AVG Image Shrinker will not only save on mobile data usage, but it will also save time as the smaller images will be easier to send and upload.

"Nowadays we rely upon smartphones and tablets more than ever before, cramming our devices full to the brim with everything we need to maintain our busy digital lives. What people might not realize however is that all of the files related to apps, pictures, calls, texts, and Internet usage can take up excess space and consume large amounts of mobile data," said Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CTO at AVG Technologies.

"Just as you would clear out your wardrobe to make space for new clothes or clean your PC disk from junk files, freeing up valuable memory on your smartphone by deleting redundant files is important to keep your device running smoothly and give you the freedom to use it as you wish - whether that means adding the apps you really want or taking and sharing a barrage of holiday snaps. Hassle-free performance products such as AVG Cleaner and AVG Image Shrinker enable users to easily and efficiently get the most out of the devices they rely upon every day," he added

Both apps are currently available for free on Android smartphones and tablets.

Edited by Rich Steeves

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