Mobile Devices

September 09, 2013

Pocketbook Announces Second Generation CoverReader

Being able to access mobile content, like news, websites and books, on smartphones may be convenient, but it comes with some challenges. Reading on smartphones can strain the eyes, and it can be difficult to discern what the screen says when the glare of sunlight interferes.

Pocketbook CoverReader is unique type of cover that allows users to be able to read text in the same way as they would an e-reader, by creating a second screen on the inside of the cover. The user must download the official Pocketbook app in order for the second screen to work. Once it is activated, it will show the same book that is being displayed on the LCD screen of the device. This can be used to read books, emails, text messages, and Web articles. The phone itself can be turned off while using the CoverReader, which will save battery life, and the 800 X 600 lower resolution screen makes it easier on the eyes to read while outdoors.

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Now, Pocketbook has teamed up with Plastic Logic to create a second-generation CoverReader. The CoverReader will use Plastic Logics’s integrated electrophoretic display (EPD) technology, and the product will be manufactured in Dresden, Germany. This new display offers a vast array of potential for the CoverReader: a flexible screen, shatterproof, lightweight, ultra-thin, the ability to be read in the daylight, and saving precious battery life.

The CEO of Plastic Logic, Indro Mukerjee, is enthusiastic about the collaboration: “We are excited to be working with Pocketbook on a number of projects and this smart mobile accessory application is a market segment with huge potential, for which our technology is ideally suited.”

Pocketbook has produced a successful line of e-readers in Europe, but it had little success in the United States, due to hardware and design issues. The company has high hopes that switching to the phone accessory business will see much more success than it has had in the past.

Edited by Alisen Downey

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