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May 22, 2012

SmithMicro Discusses Mobility Command Center at Interop 2012

Mobile device management is one of the buzziest terms in the technology industry today. Enterprises all over the world are aware of how smartphones and tablets are changing the way we do business, and they are concerned with the security and IT challenges these devices present. While many companies are focused on this topic, SmithMicro is taking a different approach, looking instead at “mobile command centers.”

Recently, at Interop 2012, Douglas Louie, senior director of product marketing for the enterprise at SmithMicro Software, sat down with TMC’s own Rich Tehrani to discuss this trend. Louie talked about issues such as Wi-Fi bandwidth control, connection policies, and mobile hotspots.

For SmithMicro, the entire “consumerization of IT” trend is about how IT departments can regain control over the wide range of devices in their purview. Louie stated that network security is of paramount importance as the increase in mobile devices leads to more opportunities for data breaches. The SmithMicro solution makes it easy to take back control, as users can self-install the software on their own devices. The next time the device connects to the corporate network, the company’s policies are then downloaded to the device, ensuring security in the simplest possible way.

When asked about the difference between Apple and Android devices, while Louie said that SmithMicro’s solutions work with both operating systems. Louie also said that, in addition to integrating both types of devices, his company is looking even further down the road, considering topics like the integration of mobile hotspots, laptop connectivity and policy management, bandwidth control and a variety of other concerns that enterprises will face in the future of mobile device management.

To hear more from Douglas Louie, see the video embedded above. And, to see more interviews from Interop 2012, click here.

Edited by Allison Boccamazzo

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