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April 15, 2013

Wandera Receives $7 Million for Mobile Data Compression Technology

According to Cisco, global mobile data traffic grew 70 percent in 2012, reaching 885 petabytes per month by the end of 2012, which was up by 365 petabytes from 2011. The company also estimates that by the end of 2017 there will be over 10 billion mobile connected devices, creating 11.2 Exabytes per month.

Even though these numbers are hard to grasp, what is obvious is that mobile devices are continuing to create large amounts of data and in turn, individuals and businesses are trying to find ways to cut costs from data plans that are increasingly becoming more expensive.

Wandera, a startup offering enterprises cost-saving measures of mobile data through compression, has recently secured $7 million in funding from Bessemer Venture Partners to fuel global expansion.

"Globally, businesses spent $29 billion on roaming data charges alone in 2012. With employees migrating from desktops to mobile devices, businesses need a solution that helps them manage their data costs and usage without harming employee productivity. We've designed Wandera from the ground up to do just that," said Eldar Tuvey , CEO and founder at Wandera.

Using mobile data optimization or MDO, Wandera is offering this as SaaS. The application applies compression technology sitting between the mobile device and the connection to reduce the amount of bandwidth. The goal is to save money by making the data smaller and thereby decreasing the data bill. The company says it can cut mobile data costs including video, by up to 85 percent on contract or pay-as-you-go plans.

The technology is a propriety compression and acceleration technique for data and video compression with a multi-tenant mobile data optimization cloud-based infrastructure. The service can be set-up and used in minutes to start compressing and managing mobile data in real-time. Also, it always runs in the background without the need to login.

The system does not require any additional hardware and the monthly service fee includes automatic updates for new features. It is built to scale so it can grow alongside your business with ease.

Edited by Jamie Epstein

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