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May 02, 2013

AT&T Offering $100 Credits for Phone Trade-ins

AT&T is looking for new ways to bring in customers, and thinks it’s found a winner with a new policy that began yesterday. The company’s newest promotion allows users to get at least $100 off new smartphones when they turn in their current phones. There is no limit to which new phones you can use the credit on, which means that you can get the newest of the new phones that AT&T offers.

AT&T said that customers can use the credits for the new phones immediately and that there are some who might get more than $100 back. That means if you decide that you no longer want an iPhone 5 but want to try out Blackberry’s Z10, then you will probably get more than the standard amount of money back, since the iPhone is still so new and so popular.

The good news is that if you have a phone that isn’t really all that new, you will still get at least the $100 credited to your account. If you are considering either changing over to AT&T or you are a current customer who wants to upgrade your phone, you should do it soon. This particular promotion won’t last forever.

“This offer is a great opportunity for AT&T customers to get their hands on the newest smartphones in our portfolio at an outstanding price,” Eric Goldfeld, AT&T’s assistant vice president for marketing management, said in a statement.

AT&T is currently the second most popular wireless carrier in the United States behind Verizon. This is just the latest promotion that is geared at trying to knock Verizon off its perch. Whether or not this will be enough to do so is something we won’t see for a little while. While the company said that the promotion is for a limited time, they didn’t specify when the $100 credit program would come to an end.

Edited by Alisen Downey

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