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June 22, 2015

Gigaset Announces Its Own Smartphone Coming Later This Year

The global smartphone market might seem like it’s pretty full but it appears that one of the leading names in the telecommunications and consumer electronics sector has decided the market can take one more. Gigaset announced late last week that it is going to be expanding its line by jumping into the smart home solutions arena, and that its first step in doing will be the release of a smartphone of its own.

The smartphone is the most pressing aspect of the announcement, mainly because consumers will be able to get their hands on these phones by the end of this year. The question that smartphone fans want to know is how Gigaset’s phone is going to set itself apart from the phones that are already out there and are already known.

The German company has been working in the communications business for more than 160 years so it appears that at the very least, the firm knows how to make a product that customers want. The firm hasn’t released a great deal of details about this new phone but it stands to reason the company will fall back on what it knows best. The firm offers a cloud-based ecosystem that all of its devices and services operate on. It stands to reason there will be features in this new phone that take advantage of that ecosystem.

"This is an exciting time for Gigaset as we welcome a new future in smart product technologies as a fully integrated digital company. Our new mobile devices including smartphones will continue to exemplify our passion for quality and style. Market leading products alongside our proud new partnership with the prestigious Ascot Racecourse will further raise awareness for Gigaset as well as bring our message of 'Wherever you go' to life.” Charles Fränkl, Gigaset CEO said in a recent statement.

In the grand scheme of things, the move by Gigaset to consumer devices like smartphones is a relatively new move. The company believes that the combination of mobile devices along with its other consumer products is the way the firm will move forward. That future will come this fall when the Gigaset phone is officially launched.

Edited by Dominick Sorrentino

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