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July 13, 2015

Small but Desired Change Coming to iPhone Keyboard

At last month’s reveal of the new iPhone 6S and iOS 9, a lot of noise was made about the newest Apple service, Apple Music, which is already changing the way people use their iPhone to listen to music. Understandably, this massive rollout overshadowed many of the other, smaller tweaks that will be coming with the release of iOS 9. But Apple has also announced that they have finally resolved what has long been an annoyance when typing on an iPhone.

If you look at your iPhone right now (still running iOS 8), it is difficult at first glance to realize whether you are typing in upper or lowercase. The only discernible difference is that the shift key turns from white when activated to grey when not. It can thus often be hard to tell whether or not you will type in capital letters or not.

There have been calls by many iPhone users to change this feature since the seventh iteration of iOS, which debuted two years ago. While countless other innovations have been rolled out by Apple since that time, the keyboard has not been addressed until now. But it seems as though Apple has finally acquiesced to the voices of its customers.

The new iOS 9 will feature a keyboard that is much easier to decipher. When typing in lowercase, the letters on the keyboard will all be displayed in their lowercase form, and when the shift key is pressed, the keyboard letters will all convert to uppercase. It is a small tweak, but one that will hopefully satisfy many customers.

iOS 9 is currently scheduled to be released to the general public in the fall, in conjunction with the new iPhone 6S. However, if you want to get a taste for the new operating system on your current device, Apple released a beta version of iOS 9 last weekend, allowing anyone to begin using it now and get a feel for the new OS. The download is available on Apple’s website. 

Edited by Dominick Sorrentino

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