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January 22, 2016

Chic Sketch, Bridging Fashion and Technology Through Mobile Integrations

Appetizer Mobile is known for its array of interactive mobile apps development and marketing services. Chic Sketch, an innovative app under the Appetizer umbrella, is bringing personalization and design to the mobile forefront as it connects fashion brands directly to enthusiasts in a whole new way.  Like parent company, Appetizer Mobile, they are “creating a brand identity in the mobile space.”

As technology takes over our lives, the Fashion Industry has been finding an increased challenge in capitalizing on the mobile revolution that has been allowing other industries excel. After all, we want to touch and feel fabric. We want to see it in all of its vibrance. While we shop and watch runway shows on mobile, how can we interact with it? This is where Chic Sketch has found an “in.”

Fashionistas love this app, because they are able to snap a selfie of themselves, draped in their latest attire and can have a sketch mock up sent to them in minutes. Sketch mockups are created and sent directly to the user. These sketches are created much like the designs that our fashion experts sketch when developing a new collection or runway show. They are, literally, hand-drawn sketch, sent to you in minutes.

Although the app is free to browse and view other sketches, each sketch costs $9.99 with a few for expedition at an additional $4.99.

Like so much of today’s tech world, this app takes advantage of technology to get the job done. Utilizing cloud technologies, Chic Sketch relies heavily on connectivity and storage, allowing each sketch to be streamlined through a cloud-based infrastructure and to the user in under twenty minutes or less -- with many sketches arriving much quicker than that. Communication is everything, especially to the illustrators that are working remotely. Photos must be delivered to the artist and back through the company’s cloud-platform for approval and delivery to the fashionista on the other end!

When asked where the inspiration for this chic mobile app came from, award-winning “Forbes 30 under 30” CEO Jordan Edelson said, “The initial inspiration came to me when I would see Emily Brickel Edelson (designer to the stars), Co-Founder, Head Illustrator, and Fashion Designer sketching on paper at different events we attended. When I traveled with her to different fashion events, I would assist and watch her. One of the things I noticed instantly was that as soon as people would receive their sketch, they would take a picture of it on their phone and share it on social media.”

Edelson continued, “Right around fashion week last year I connected the dots and thought it would be a great idea as an application to bring to the masses. People have a strong emotional connection to art, and Chic Sketch caters to that. It’s more than a novelty, its art desecrated by computers – synthetic art as I like to call it. Chic Sketch is a great combination of a digital platform with a human element, as each sketch is created by a real illustrator by hand.”

Edelson also explained how the app has evolved since its beginnings. For mobile applications, and technologies of any kind, it is extremely important to evolve in meeting the needs of growing audiences and to keep up with technology. This app started as simply a service. In its newer form and into a soon-to-be released Chic Sketch 2.0, the app will be more about discovery, social engagement and extended partnerships with other brands.

The app also sets out to be an inspiration to audiences. “We are interpreting fashion through other people’s eyes. It’s bringing life to designs other people have created. When users look at the sketches they can draw inspiration from them, and possibly create their own fashion lines.”

Edited by Stefania Viscusi

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